Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Teh Meet and Greet

Here pretty soon CALS will be holding our WoW Meet and Greet program. In an attempt to boost interest and attendance for our regular programs, we’ve gone all out in promoting and preparing for this one day event. We’ve worked as closely as possible with our programming and PR departments to ensure everything is spot on. Our PR department has granted us the use of several digital billboards in Little Rock’s downtown area (picture to come), and our webmaster has been gracious enough to provide us a noticeable spot on the CALS website. Of course, we also have info on public calendars as well as a few pretty snazzy posters up over the library system.

I don’t know that we are ready to release specifics yet, both to keep interests piqued and because we are constantly coming up with new/improved ideas, but I will say we’ve got some dandy door prizes lined up, as well as goody bags with some epic WoW and library related loots. We will be providing snacks and beverages and enjoying different party games. A few laptops will be available for attendees to show off their toons.

The event itself will be in the Darragh Center at the Main Library on October 10th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

We will try and continue posting as the more concrete plans unfold, as well as provide plenty of numbers/statistics afterwards for any of you keeping track. As always, feel free to email Bob or myself with any questions you might have.

For the Horde!
One of the digital billboards. Though it's rather hard to tell, it is quite large.

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