Monday, March 23, 2009

First Program: A Success Story

I really didn't intend the title of this posting to sound like the title of a made-for-TV Lifetime-Channel-Exclusive movie. Meredith Baxter-Birney will *not* be appearing in this post.

The Central Arkansas Library System hosted its first of many planned WoW programs on Saturday, March 21. This was the teen program, and there were five participants, including myself because I couldn't resist. We easily defeated the evil Witchdoctor Zalazane and followed up with clearing Durotar of the hostile Kul Tiras invading forces. The Adult program scheduled for Saturday March 28 will probably try it at level four since there are eight people signed up for that event.

The outline used to direct this program is available in the earlier post Mini-Raid: Event Details. Feel free to use any information contained in this blog, as that is the purpose of this blog.

A great time was had by all. Drinks, pizza, snacks & candy were flowing freely, and there was a healthy amount of discussion between everyone. My co-programmer showed off his collection of rare and discontinued hunter pets, and everyone bragged about certain aspects of their exploits or arcane knowlege of the game's history. Old Man Bob even regaled the youngsters with tales of Ultima Online and EverQuest.


  1. Congratulations on a successful start!

  2. Thanks, it was a hoot. The adult event the next week was even better. I'm about to post about it, with pics.

  3. Meredith Baxter Birney. She was in that movie Ben. You know the one... with all the rats? Michael Jackson did the theme song? Yeah, that one.
